This week for home learning we did a kiwi kids quiz. Out of 11 questions I got 9 correct and 2 incorrect. Next time to improve my score I could read through to web page thoroughly to get more answers correct.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
My Fotobabble
For my spelling I am using weeks words.It is an app that is used on ipads and ipods. I like using weeks words because I don't have to wait in line for the teacher to test me. On weeks words you add your words then you learn your words and at the end of each week you get tested on your words. I like using weeks words because I find it hard to remember big words off the top of my head so I type them down on the ipad instead. Here is a fotobabble about weeks words and what I think about it.
Friday, November 8, 2013
100 Word Challenge
People always
talked about the legend of old man jack... but who was he? Well it didn't take
me long because everyone knew about him. People said that he was nice man. Some
people even said that he was the heart of the community. He loved fishing at
the local pond. He always wore his favourite jeans and lucky gumboots. But
sadly when old man jack passed away everyone was sad. So they stuck two bits of
wood in the pond like legs. Put his jeans and gumboots on top and to everyone’s
surprise it was like he never left.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Last week in room 12 we did speeches. Our Speech topic was Culture and Identity. The tree titles we could use were My Cultural Discovery, Culture and Me, I'm Unique let Me Tell You Why. The title I chose was My Cultural Discovery. I did my cultural discovery on the Zulu tribe in South Africa. In My Speech I thought I did really well but I could of spoken up a little bit and I could of used better props.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
In the senior syndicate we have a program called gymsports. The different activities we could do were cheerleading, hip hop and aerobics. I was in the cheerleading group but wasn't in the competition team because at the start of gymsport I was in a cast and there was no way that I could of built up my strength in time for the competition. Gymsports is a cool activity that lets you try new dances and in the end you can compete against other schools.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
What am I ?
These are my what am I haiku's. To answer my haiku's please comment below and write haiku 1, haiku 2 or haiku three with your answer.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
Recipe to a Good Friend
For our holiday home learning activity we had to make a smore about how to make a good friend.
ANZAC Research
- The ceremonies are held at dawn because that is roughly the time the soldiers landed.
- Gallipoli is in Turkey.
- ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
- It was special to New Zealanders because family's gave up their loved ones to go and fight at war.
Team 12 Assembley
On Friday the 31st of May my class had our team 12 assembly. Our assembly was about our puppet shows. I was in Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs. My puppet was Sneezy Dwarf.
Some people also shared their odes. We sang two songs, Lean on me and Life in Sunshine by Jamie McDell.
Some people also shared their odes. We sang two songs, Lean on me and Life in Sunshine by Jamie McDell.
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Our hosts Katie and Desmond |
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Me sharing my puppet |
Monday, July 8, 2013
Making Sock Monkeys
This is a photo of me making a sock monkey for our W.O.W unit. We made the sock monkeys with Mrs Demchy every Friday. She gave us a challenge to finish our sock monkeys by the end of term. I finished my sock monkey and named it Monty. I finished mine before the end of term and it looks so CUTE! I am most proud of completing my monkey with a quite badly strained arm. It was really difficult to sew with a cast on because they are big and and heavy. I am so very proud of my sock monkey and I can not wait until I can take it home from being on display.
W.O.W Reflection
This term our main idea is design. For this we had to create an outfit with a specific theme and our class theme was nature and environment.The outfit we had created had to be comfortable for the model and all had to be made out of recyclable materials. Once we had made an outfit we had to go onto the cat walk with our costume. I was in a group with Brenna, Nazaryth, Fazil, Chayse and me. We also had junior buddies and they were Maddison, Richard and Jeremiah. We designed our outfit around trees. Our model that wore our costume was Chayse. I thought my group and I had done a really good job on our costume.
For the show we had to make a script about how we made our costume also we needed our model to wear the costume and our buddies to walk down the catwalk with the model and one other senior. I spoke about the costume with Brenna. Fazil, Maddison, Richard and Jeremiah walked down the cat walk and our model Chayse wore the main costume.
This is my group |
My Sock Monkey
Monday, July 1, 2013
Kiwi Kids Quiz
For home learning we had to do this weeks kiwi kids quiz. In the quiz I scored 90%. I am not sure how to check what question I got wrong but I am proud of my score.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Kiwi Kids Quiz
For home learning we had to do a quiz at I got 100% which means I got all of my questions correct. I took on my teachers advice by looking though the site before I did the quiz. I am so proud of my score!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Kiwikids Quiz
For home learning we had to do a weekly quiz on . Part of our task was to post our results on our blog and in the quiz I got 6/10.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Thursday, April 4, 2013
My Name
First Name : For home learning we had to research what our name meant. I found out lots about my name.
We had to research our first name and our surname. My name is Ariana Ewart-Fuller and my name means most holy in the Greek origin. Also of the welsh origin meaning silvery. My name comes from the earlier name Arian. No one else in my family has the same name as me. If I had to change my name it would be Stephane.Last Name : Ewart means wealthy guardian and Fuller means a person who soaks cloth
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Monday, March 11, 2013
The Warriors Came to Our School
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
2013 So Far ...
Its been just 2 weeks since term 1 started and our class, room12, has already started our art for our deskmats and our team 12 signatures to show we are part of team 12. We have had lots of class discussions to show the year 5's how our class works. We are also setting up some of our books for the year. One of my most favourite activities so far was called " two true one false". This is my one,
I have been to the top of the north island by mistake.
I love sweet lollies.
I like to help out at dinner.
Can you guess which ones are true and which one is false.
I have been to the top of the north island by mistake.
I love sweet lollies.
I like to help out at dinner.
Can you guess which ones are true and which one is false.
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