Thursday, April 4, 2013

My Name

First Name :  For home learning we had to research what our name meant. I found out lots about my name.
We had to research our first name and our surname. My name is Ariana Ewart-Fuller and my name means most holy in the Greek origin. Also of the welsh origin meaning silvery. My name comes from the earlier name Arian. No one else in my family has the same name as me. If I had to change my name it would be Stephane.

Last Name :  Ewart means wealthy guardian and Fuller means a person who soaks cloth


  1. You have a lot of meaning for all you names don't you Ariana. That is very special. Why would you change your name to Stephanie?

    1. Mrs Parkinson,
      I just like the name Stephaine, well I like alot of names but I like Stephaine the best.

      From Ariana

  2. Hi Ariana,
    Your name is verry pretty!
    My name means spring valley.


  3. Hi Ariana,

    I love your name it is very nice and means alot to you. It is very interesting that your name is Greek I didn't know that.I think Stephanie is a cool name to but as you know my favourite name is Jamie do you like the name Jamie?

    From Tia:)
