Monday, July 29, 2013

Recipe to a Good Friend

For our holiday home learning activity we had to make a smore about how to make a good friend.

ANZAC Research

  1. The ceremonies are held at dawn because that is roughly the time the soldiers landed.
  2. Gallipoli is in Turkey.
  3. ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
  4. It was special to New Zealanders because family's gave up their loved ones to go and fight at war.
No one in my family is involved with ANZAC.

Team 12 Assembley

On Friday the 31st of May my class had our team 12 assembly. Our assembly was about our puppet shows. I was in Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs. My puppet was Sneezy Dwarf.
Some people also shared their odes. We sang two songs, Lean on me and Life in Sunshine by Jamie McDell. 
Our hosts Katie and Desmond
Me sharing my puppet
My class Team 12


Monday, July 8, 2013

Making Sock Monkeys

This is a photo of me making a sock monkey for our W.O.W unit. We made the sock monkeys with Mrs Demchy every Friday. She gave us a challenge to finish our sock monkeys by the end of term. I finished my sock monkey and named it Monty. I finished mine before the end of term and it looks so CUTE! I am most proud of completing my monkey with a quite badly strained arm. It was really difficult to sew with a cast on because they are big and and heavy.  I am so very proud of my sock monkey and I can not wait until I can take it home from being on display.

W.O.W Reflection

This term our main idea is design. For this we had to create an outfit with a specific theme and our class theme was nature and environment.The outfit we had created had to be comfortable for the model and all had to be made out of recyclable materials. Once we had made an outfit we had to go onto the cat walk with our costume. I was in a group with Brenna, Nazaryth, Fazil, Chayse and me. We also had junior buddies and they were Maddison, Richard and Jeremiah. We designed our outfit around trees. Our model that wore our costume was Chayse. I thought my group and I had done a really good job on our costume.
For the show we had to make a script about how we made our costume also we needed our model to wear the costume and our buddies to walk down the catwalk with the model and one other senior. I spoke about the costume with Brenna. Fazil, Maddison, Richard and Jeremiah walked down the cat walk and our model Chayse wore the main costume.
This is my group

My Sock Monkey

I have finished my sock monkey and my project.  I am proud of the result and I am also proud of completing half of my monkey with a cast. My sock monkey is called Monty. For my project I got an A+.

My monkey Monty
My finished result pics:
Me and my monkey Monty

Monday, July 1, 2013

Kiwi Kids Quiz

For home learning we had to do this weeks kiwi kids quiz. In the quiz I scored 90%. I am not sure how to check what question I got wrong but I am proud of my score.