Friday, June 15, 2012


In room 12 we have been learning a lot about plurals. We have been taught to  put (es) on the end of words like church and if you put (es) on the end church becomes churches.You only put (s) on the end of words if there is a volwel plus a (y) on the end of a word.   
 The plurals that I find the easiest are putting (es) on the end of words. For an example match means just one but if I put (es) on the end the word will be changed to matches so now the words mean more than one.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Ariana,
    those are some good rules to remember when spelling plural words. Can you remember the rule for the words that end with f? For example, can you change thief into a plural in your reply.
    Mrs Parkinson
