Thursday, July 29, 2010


W.A.L.T...Predict,clarify,question and summarise.

Predict means

I think...because...

I'll bet...because...

I wonder if... because...

I imagine...because...

I suppose...because...

Clarify mean


  • I don't understand the part about...,so I...

  • This doesn't make sense,so I...

  • I can't figure out...,so I


  • Reread,reraed,reraed

  • read on for clues

  • check the parts of the wold I know

  • blend the sounds of the word

  • try another word


  • Ask quetsioning based on the text
  • Ask quetsion that are based no the main idea
  • Ask some detail-oriented question


  • use logical order
  • use somebodys wanted but so
  • reraed the main idea

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