Wednesday, October 31, 2012

High Jump

Last week in room12 we were practicing high jump for our school athletics. Our school energiser Dianne helped us get our jump right. We had to swing our arms up high so we were able to get over the bar without knocking it onto the mat. I thought I  was pretty good at it but there was still room for improvement to make my jump even better.

Monday, October 29, 2012


In room 12 we are learning to juggle. We all have one ball each and then we pair up with a buddy. At first we had to make a figure "A" shape and not worry about catching them. Then we made our figure "A" shape again and try catch them without passing one ball over to the other hand. I found it hard at the start but when I got the hang of it I found it a lot easier to catch and throw.

The link above is the link to our animoto of juggling.