Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Gym Sports

On Monday 2nd of April room 12 went to gym sports to learn some basics about gymnastics. In the gym session we did bunny hops, a mini vault, walking up the wall with our feet to handstand, scorpion kicks, candle stands, forward rolls and landing. What I found challenging was doing the bunny hops because I kept wanting to go to handstand. Some tips I could give to you are to keep tight and that will help you with all you moves. Also have fun!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Roman Numerals Poster

Dean and I have been working on a Roman Numerals poster. We have been learning about Roman Numerals and we thought we could put our learning together to make a poster. On our poster we had a chart to stick on our poster so people could get an idea of Roman Numerals. There where Roman Numerals from 1 to 100 in Roman with an English translation next to the number. We also put some facts about Roman Numerals and a Roman clock.